Hedley ISD calls for Voter Approval Tax Ratification Election 2024


The Hedley ISD school board is proposing a tax rate of $0.7892 for Maintenance and Operations (M&O). The tax rate is an increase of $0.12 in M&O tax revenue for the district. Because this tax rate exceeds the district’s no-new-revenue rate set by the state, the district must conduct a Voter Approved Ratification Election (VATRE) in November. If approved, the proposed tax rate would result in $257,000 in additional revenue for the district which would be used to fund maintenance and operation of the district, including the ability to provide teacher salary increases and necessary updates to the property.  If the VATRE fails, the district will not be able to adopt a tax rate above the no-new-revenue tax rate. Property owners 65 and older with a homestead tax exemption would experience no change to their taxes as a result of the election.

What would the extra funds generated by VATRE be used for?

  • Competitive Pay, Retaining and Recruiting High Quality Teachers

  • Continue to meet the needs of the district for maintenance and operation as well as keeping up with safety and security needs

Why is Hedley ISD calling for a VATRE?

Hedley ISD has called for a VATRE because of a lack of legislative action to address an outdated school funding formula. School districts across the state are adopting deficit budgets because state leaders did not update the funding model for public schools, which left districts with significant budget shortfalls because of inflation. Hedley ISD has adopted a deficit budget for the 2024-2025 school year.

If you compare our district to neighboring districts, you will see that Hedley ISD has some of the lowest Maintenance and Operations (M&O) in the area.

Please contact Superintendent Tracey Bell at (806) 856-5323 or at tracey.bell@hedleyisd.net for further information about the VATRE.