July 23, 2020

HISD Staff, Parents, & Community

 At this time there are more questions than answers about COVID-19 in our nationReports and data can be represented in many ways especially with all the technological advances in society today. However, there is one thing for certain and that is our kids need a high quality education, our parents need to be able to work, and we as a society must cautiously move forward. I can promise you there is nothing more powerful for our children than to be in the classroom with a loving and dedicated teacher. Technology is a fine tool, but, it is just that; a tool. NOTHING will replace a dedicated and highly qualified teacher.

 Hedley ISD is developing plans that will allow our kids to return to a safe and secure instructional environment on August 13th unless directed otherwise by state officials. We are collecting data from surveys to help with this planning and will take every precaution necessary to ensure everyone feels safe. Once our instructional plan has been finalized we will publish for all to see. In the event you feel uncomfortable sending your student to school we ask that you contact Hedley ISD administration directly. Students who do not physically attend school will not be permitted to participate in any extracurricular activities and may not be allowed to take the electives they want.  

 It is our goal for communication to be clear and precise so that we are all on the same page. If you have questions or feel uncomfortable, please let us know. We want everyone to feel confident about our plans for HISD.

 Go Owls,

Garrett Bains


Purpose The purpose of the following information is to communicate and connect with all stakeholders regarding Hedley ISD's reopening plans for the start of the new school year. Because of rapidly changing information pertaining to the spread of COVID-19 in our state, we have been forced as a district to prepare multiple strategies and scenarios in order to be prepared for the upcoming year. With this in mind, this is a working plan in progress to ensure a quality education in the safest environment. Please understand that we want all to feel confident in our plans of reopening school.


2020-2021 Registration

• Registration will be open July 27-30, 2020.

• Parents are encouraged to complete registration online and indicate if their student will be present for on campus or remote learning. Parents may come to the school to enroll as well. 

• If you need help please call the school at (806) 856-5323.


2020-2021 Instructional Plan

Through the guidance and requirements of the Texas Education Agency, districts were asked to identify the type of instructional plans that would best fit their community and the students they serve. Hedley ISD is planning on starting school on August 13th as planned with the On Campus Instructional Model. While we understand that some parents may have reservations about sending their child back to school, those families will have the option of Remote Learning. Hedley ISD will be asking parents to identify whether their child will be attending in-person school or online school when registering for the school yearWe are moving forward with our planning and preparations to offer the following instructional options:


On-Campus Instructional Model - Learning occurs in a traditional classroom setting with a teacher on campus. In order to accommodate all students returning to the classroom in-person, the following are some of the safety measures under consideration at this time:

• Daily temperature checks  

• Physical distancing in classroom

• Lunch in the cafeteria at a table with only your grade, distanced from other grades

• Use of masks by both staff and students 10 and older

• Limited sharing of school supplies/ equipment

• Limited gathering and events


Remote Learning Model

This will be a blended approach to learning with remote access for student use. This instructional plan may include various forms of digital and online learning, video lessons, emails, app-based learning tasks and may include instructional learning packets that students complete on their own. Some of the design considerations include the following components:

• Students will have a HISD teacher, but the majority of learning and practice will be completed by the student at home, using resources provided by the teacher and HISD

• All instruction will be delivered remotely through a blended learning model.

• Curriculum and resources are specifically designed and aligned to the district's expectations/scope and sequence of the curriculum.

• Students will be expected to participate in district/state assessments to document student learning and growth.

• HISD teachers will communicate daily learning expectations in the district learning management system (SeeSaw, Google Classroom, A+ and Edgenuity)

• Students will turn in daily assignments to the teacher through the Learning Management System, email or delivery of a learning packet.

• Teachers will provide feedback to students and use district grading guidelines on all assignments. 

• Attendance will be taken daily to fulfill local and state requirements. Student engagement with the LMS or other instructional avenues and/or any daily contact by the teacher with a student focused on supporting or monitoring student academic progress, as defined by the approved asynchronous instructional plan, will establish daily attendance. A student will be considered absent if the student does not have documented engagement with the LMS and/or daily contact with the teacher, and/or documentation of completion/turn in of daily assignments. A teacher or campus representative will input the student’s daily attendance into the Student Information System (SIS) for the asynchronous method, based on the student’s daily engagement with the LMS or other instructional avenue and/or the daily contact with the teacher, by marking the student remote asynchronous present or absent on that day.


Just as if your child was attending a traditional classroom setting, the remote learning model is a shared partnership that involves the school, parent, and the student. The parent/guardian partnership will be critical to ensuring student learning success. As a partner in the learning, you will NEED to monitor and support them as they log-in and ENSURE they are keeping up with daily lessons and classworkWe will be following the grading guidelines that are in the student handbook exactly as we would if your child was on campus in person. While educating children in this fashion is not ideal, the outcome for your child's learning is important and we as a district will require your support to make it a successful learning experience.



During the 2020-2021 academic year, outside visitation will be kept to a minimum. Visitors will not be allowed unless it is a parent in an emergency situation. All other communication from parents needs to be completed via phone, email, or text. All visitors choosing to enter the Hedley ISD will be required to adhere to the following procedures:

1. Wear a face covering as recommended by state and federal health officials.                                 

2. Submit to a temperature scan before entering the building. If the temperature is greater than 100.4°F, entry to the building will be refused. 

2020-2021 Facility and Maintenance Plans

A collective team tackled the task of creating processes and procedures so that we provide as much detail as possible for a safe start to the new school year. As we are in uncharted territory, we will be revising these processes often and make the necessary changes as needed. Faculty and staff will model appropriate practices at the start of school to ensure safe practices are established for all.

In order to successfully log each and every person, (including staff, students, and parents) into either the High School or Elementary please adhere to the following guidelines.

1. Staff will report to a designated station and get their temperature taken each day.

2. All staff will enter one or two entry points.

3. Students do not need to arrive before 7:30AM

4. A Sanitization station will be provided at each entrance

5. Face mask and/or shields required. (NOTE: Face masks should be provided by parents).

Before entry into either building all staff and any visitors will be asked to write your name in the log, take your temperature, and put your face covering on. Face covering must be on prior to entrance of facility.


• The CDC considers a person to have a fever when he or she has measured temperature of 100.4°F (38°C). Anyone whose temperature is at or above (100.4) will be sent home. Parents will be contacted immediately to schedule pick-up.

• Students who arrive at their respective campus and go to their assigned area. All students will follow the same CDC guidelines and maintain a safe social distance of 6' at all times while in the cafeteria. Those who choose not to eat breakfast will report to their home rooms.


• Sanitation methods -recommended CDC protocols for cleaning areas will be followed by all staff members. The following link contains CDC protocols, which we will be following by all to the best of our ability. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-n...

• Cleaning/Sanitation will be completed after each seating.

• Students will be required to sit at the table with only their grade level classmates.

• Students and staff will have rotations to allow for social distancing across the area. Students will not be seated directly across or beside another student. Spacing will be marked on tables to identify areas for seating.

• For remote learning students lunch pickup will be from 12:50 to 1:15 on the East side of the school. Parents need to contact the school by 9 a.m. to allow the school to plan for the number of meals that will be needed for those students. Please note that the student must be enrolled in the school district to receive a meal.

• Food distribution- PPE will be utilized by all cafeteria staff while serving food. Students rotate through the line by staff directives so that minimal numbers are in proximity of each other. Others will wait at tables to be called. Spacing will be marked on the floor to identify distancing.


• Forthcoming UIL guidelines will provide direction concerning extracurricular activities

• Showers - 3 person max in JH/HS Athletic showers. Locker rooms - Groups of 10 athletes will be assigned to accommodate the limited space in our locker rooms. Groups will rotate into and out of the locker rooms to dress and shower.

• Sanitation methods -recommended CDC protocols for cleaning areas will be followed by staff members.

• Staff will practice recommended CDC protocols while students are in their care. Whether this is the athletic period or physical education.

• Cleaning/Sanitation will be completed after each activity. Athletic attire will be washed daily.


• Teachers will monitor and work with students to practice social distancing.


• Sanitation methods -recommended CDC protocols for cleaning areas will be followed by staff members.

• Cleaning/Sanitation will be completed throughout the day

• No sharing of supplies - students will have their own materials. Teachers will work with students to get what supplies they need if they do not have supplies.

• Teachers will accommodate to the best of their ability to space students throughout the classroom.

• Cordless Electrostatic Handheld Sprayer for Disinfectant, Sanitizers, have been purchased for each school building and one for the buses.


• Sanitation methods -recommended CDC protocols for cleaning areas will be followed by staff members.

• Sanitation spray will be utilized frequently throughout the day.

• Lockers will be cleaned at the beginning of each day and sprayed throughout the day.

• Staff will work together to efficiently transition the students between class periods.

• Staff will work with students on safety measures during restroom breaks. Minimal number in restroom at a time. Spacing while handwashing

• Staff will have access to spray after class use. Maintenance staff will have scheduled cleaning throughout the day so that it is cleaned multiple times throughout the day.

• Minimal number of students in the restroom.

 Water fountains

• New “bottle fill” style water fountains have been purchased and installed.  

• Students will be allowed to bring water bottles or clear plastic containers for water. ONLY water is allowed in classrooms. If more water is needed, a staff member will be of assistance.


• Libraries will remain open. Minimal number in library at a time. Open times will be in the morning and afternoon. Teachers will be allowed to take students in the library allowing no more than 10 in at a time.

• Area will be sprayed with sanitation frequently throughout the day.

• Books that are returned will be kept on a cart. Books will be sanitized and then kept out of rotation for 2 days before being placed back on the shelf for student use. These will be labeled so staff knows when to reshelf books. 

Computer Labs

• Sanitation methods -recommended CDC protocols for cleaning areas will be followed by staff members. 

• Student computer time will be scheduled so that students are appropriately spaced throughout the room.


• Student transportation will be provided for the 2020-2021 school year as normal.

• All students will be required to use hand sanitizer before boarding the bus.

• Students will adhere to social distancing on the bus. Therefore, students will be required to wear facemasks on the bus. Buses will be cleaned and sanitized at the end of each day by staff.

• Staff utilizing district vehicles will adhere to CDC protocols and vehicles will be sanitized upon return by staff.

We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time. No matter what school models we are able to move forward with, be assured that we have an excellent staff fully committed to delivering a quality education in the safest environment. 

Thank you so much to our Collective Start Task Team for revising and offering input and suggestions to have the safest environment possible for our students and staff.