Due to extreme temperatures, snow, and potential rolling blackouts, Hedley ISD will cancel school on Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Stay warm.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tonight’s basketball game against Wellington has been cancelled. The Owls will play against Ft. Elliott in Shamrock @ 6:00 on Friday 2/19. Tickets are for sale on Ticketleap. Search Shamrock on the Ticketleap website. The cost of tickets are $4 for adults and $2 for students. Come support the Owls!
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Due to extreme temperatures and potential rolling blackouts, Hedley ISD will cancel school on Tuesday, February 16, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
The Hedley Owls will play Wellington on Tuesday 2/16 @ 5:00 in Wellington. Weather permitting. Tickets are $3 per person and can be purchased on ticketleap. Search Wellington ISD. Come support the Owls.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Congratulations to the Hedley Owls on a big win over Valley 49-44.
almost 4 years ago, Tresa Alston
Tomorrow nights Varsity Boys basketball game in Valley will begin at 5:00. Pay cash at the door for tickets.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
All playoff shirt orders are due today!!!!
almost 4 years ago, Hedley ISD
Order your Hedley Owls playoff shirt today!!
almost 4 years ago, Hedley ISD
Congrats to the Hedley Owls!! Order Hedley Owl Playoff Shirts. You can pick-up an order form in the office.
almost 4 years ago, Hedley ISD
Tonight’s basketball games in Hedley will begin with JV boys at 5:00 and Varsity boys immediately following. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tonight’s JH basketball games in Claude will begin at 5:00pm. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tonight’s basketball games in Claude will begin at 5:00 with a boys JV game. Varsity will games follow afterwards.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Attention Hedley ISD Community: Monday, March 1st will be a regular class day. The school calendar has it labeled as a bad weather day. Hedley ISD had to use that bad weather day in October when the school was closed for 3 days. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Vouchers for tomorrow's HS basketball games in Claude are available in the office. You MUST pay at the gate and have a Voucher to get into the games. VG- 6:00, and VB- will follow.
almost 4 years ago, Hedley ISD
Hedley ISD will be having a senior pep-rally on Tuesday 2/9 at 3:15pm. We will also be handing out letter jackets at this pep-rally. Thank you
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tickets for tomorrow's JH and HS basketball games in Silverton are available in the office. You MUST pay at the gate and have a ticket to get into the games. JHG- 4:00, JHB- 5:00, VG- 6:30, and VB- 8:00.
almost 4 years ago, Hedley ISD
Thursday’s JH basketball games in Silverton have been moved to Friday. JH girls will begin @ 4:00 with JH boys following immediately after. Varsity games will follow immediately after the end of the JH games.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tuesday’s HS basketball games in Hedley against Valley will begin at 5:00 with JV boys. Varsity games will follow.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tonight’s HS basketball games in Hedley will begin at 5:00 with a JV boys game. Varsity girls will begin after the JV game is over. Come support the Owls and Lady Owls. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains
Tonight’s start time for the JH basketball game in White Deer has been changed to 5:00. Come support the Owls and Lady Owls.
almost 4 years ago, Garrett Bains